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Writer's pictureTravis Jessop


Ok, so I know I talked a lot about God in the mind healing section but that was the best way I knew how to describe some of the traumas I was working through in my mind so this section is going to be about how to connect with God, Universe, spirit, source, Jesus, Buddha, Allah, higher self or whatever you want to call it because its all the same to me.

I love to fly planes but before you can fly the plane or any aircraft for that matter, you have to go through what’s called a preflight checklist to make sure everything is working perfectly so you don’t crash and die.

One of the last things you do before you set your course and take off is you have to calibrate your planes compass to true north so you don’t fly off course of your destination. The plane’s compass can get messed up due to the elevation and air pressure, as well as changes in the weather and temperature. For this reason, pilots always have a way to manually adjust the planes compass to keep them on course.

But did you know that you can calibrate your own internal compass after you have been knocked off course by trauma and PTSD?

This is something I do every morning before I leave my house or begin my workday and like the other exercises I highly recommend you give this a try.

You can think of this exercise as sort of like running a control alt delete program on your mind.

This is the best way I have figured out how to shut down my thoughts, shut out the world and connect with the divinity and life giving source inside of me.

This is my way to calibrate my inner compass to guide me in everyday of my life.

So many of us have dealt with traumas created through our religious upbringing, that we have created a negative emotion with church and the hierarchy associated with the different religions. A common question I hear a lot from my different coaching clients is, “Where do you go to feel a connection to God?”

My response is, “I don’t have to go anywhere, all I have to do is go inside of my heart.”

Go inside my heart, sounds so simple doesn’t it?

But for me, the only way to go inside of my heart and feel what’s on the inside is to somehow shut down the outside and I have to figure out how to shut down my own negative thoughts. This is called meditation.

Right now, I am traveling the country while living full-time in my RV trailer along with my wife, our two young kids ages 6 and 3, and our two dogs, oh and our kitty cat. So, needless to say there is not much space for me to meditate in quiet.I’m also one of those people who can’t just sit down and turn off my thoughts because I’m being quiet. I need help getting there, so for years now I use youtube to meditate.

And for those of you who are wondering what meditation is, here’s my definition: If praying is talking, then meditation is listening.

Think about it, if you pray your mind is filled with thoughts and you are doing all the talking.

But have you ever thought about this, so many people are so busy praying and talking at God that they never make time to shut up and listen to God.

Yep this is how I used to roll in the past when I prayed.

Ya know, “God please bless this or God please fix this or God please help me” and then I was taught that if I wanted my own answers from God that I needed to read their religious books or ask my religious leaders for answers. In reality, all that did was fill my mind with more questions and more thoughts.

So I’m going to show you how to shut down your thoughts, go inside of yourself and sync or connect with the source giving you life no matter what you have going on around you.

I start by using headphones, in fact headphones are an absolute necessity!

I shut my bedroom door sit down and play a breathing meditation video on youtube.

This isn’t just any video, this breathing and meditation exercise was created by trauma survivor and coach.

The mans name is Whim Hof and he experienced trauma and PTSD when his wife committed suicide and left Whim alone to raise his kids.

I know I’m talking about a breathing meditation here so why would it help you connect with the inside of yourself?

Because this is probably unlike any breathing exercise you have ever done!

For starters Whim guides you through breathing in and out rapidly for about 1 minute then he instructs you to exhale all of your breath and hold.

You charge your body up with oxygen and then completely empty your lungs and hold.

This holding your breath causes you brain to quickly go to the fear and panic program you will feel your heart begin to start beating faster but Whim talks you through it as he instructs you to slow your heart down.

Whim also has music and tones included the video the help you get to this zero state of consciousness, this whole exercise is about eleven minutes long and the biggest reason I am recommending it is because from one trauma survivor to another this works!

Second its a great breathing exercise and one of the best ways I know of to quickly shift your attention to the inside of yourself so you can feel what’s on the inside.

Third its a free resource you can use to introduce yourself to another form of meditation for those of you that have a hard time clearing your mind.

Fourth, similar to the cold shower exercise you are oxygenating your mind and body and you are changing the brain waves in your mind.

So here’s the YouTube link and just to be clear I have no affiliation nor do I receive any paybacks from Whim Hof, I’m simply sharing great resources that I use and have personally benefited from.

Ok so now moving on I’m going to give you the last component to meditation.

Once I have completed the Whim Hof breathing meditation I move on to another great resource on youtube that use to meditate everyday.

I’m going to share a link to a YouTube channel that is full of resources.

The Name of the channel is Simply Hypnotic and it is full of free videos you can use for anything from healing from emotional trauma to manifesting money, I highly recommend that you check out this YouTube channel and find the meditation video that speaks to you!

I am not affiliated with Simply Hypnotic nor do I receive anything from them, this is just a tool I use and have experienced great results with this myself.

Most of the videos on this page have something called a binaural beat embedded into the music, a binaural is something you can use to quickly put yourself in a state of deep meditation to shift your brainwaves to help you achieve a desired result.

Here’s a YouTube link to a quick video series this will better explain just what binaural beats are and how they can help you heal from emotional trauma and what the benefits of listening to binaural beats are, I highly recommend that you take a few minutes to watch this info to better understand binaural beats!

Ok so now that you know more about what a binaural beat is you can better understand how they can help your brain build new neural connections by engaging both sides of your brain.

So to sum things up, after I have completed my eleven minute Whim Hof breathing meditation I move on to my silent meditation by selecting a mediation from Simply Hypnotic, many of the Simply Hypnotic meditations are several hours long but I find that spending anywhere from 15 to 20 minutes of sitting still is plenty of time to prepare me for the day.

During this time I just enjoy the music and try to either think of nothing and enjoy the feeling of nothingness, or I think of things that I am grateful for in life.

This is what calibrating my compass is to me, it’s the simple act of sitting down, doing some breath work and being still in silence from the world and your own thoughts so you can listen to receive guidance and inspiration about your life from a higher power.

Its a little bit funny that I say receive guidance from a higher power but the only way I now how to truly connect with this higher power is to search for it inside of myself within my own heart.

And higher power to me is simply this, higher power is something much bigger than me but it is also part of me and it is part of you in my humble opinion.

So, now that I have laid out some of the tools, resources and things you can do to help you in your journey to heal from trauma I’ll recap with a list for you to refer to for your convenience:

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